This site is dedicated to the life's work of all the humble messengers, and fearless people, groups, entities, and organizations that helped bring about this truth. I rejoice in your evolution as you read this time-less and collective knowledge, and I hope it sparks your souls growth to serve others, while living in love and light.
My name is John, I'm from Toronto, Ontario. I have been compiling all this info for decades, which is an aggregation of the most truthful, life-changing and meaningful information I have collectively researched and compiled. It is reliable, verifiable, and quite accurate in reference to all aspects of life.
No matter what ideologies separate us, the message is all that matters. The message is that in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator, we are all intimately interconnected in One. We are all brothers and sisters destined to live in love and light. This message needs to reach everyone, starting with the people you love. Please help and share this message especially on facebook, and twitter where you can follow, like, and subscribe.
Test these words deeply. Take them into your heart only if they feel right and truthful to you. And if they do, then arise and play the part for which you volunteered to be here now. I wish you all the very best in what remains of your journey here and sincerely hope you will use this information to help you grow, and graduate with a glorious and positive great harvest.
I'd love to hear from you.
Your Loving Brother,